There are 6 projects we would like to bring to your attention:
1. To start new churches in the Vitebsk region near existing
2. An outreach missionary work beyond our region.
3. Programs to help existing churches in their growth.
4. Literature evangelism
5. Missionary work with charities.
6. Missionary work with children.
Beginning of churches in new areas of Vitebsk region near existing
Understanding the mission of the worldwide Seventh Day
Adventist Church and knowing that God put the responsibility of
spreading His message of salvation upon His remnant people, we
have decided to make a high priority of organizing new churches
in additional areas of the Vitebsk region. This is also the priority
of the Belarus Conference.
In order to attain this goal of preaching the gospel throughout
our country Belarus, we are praying and trusting God that there
are SDA members in more prosperous nations, who will join with
the believers in our congregations, and provide resources to fund
church growth. The latter rain is falling and many precious souls
are being added daily to God's remnant church. We invite you to
have a part in soul winning in Belarus.
The Belarus SDA Conference has targeted four towns of the
Vitebsk region for growth and development - Gorodok, Beshenkovichi,
Miori, Bogushevsk.
God has many precious souls living in the 21
districts of the Vitebsk region. Our goal is to reach them in
places where they live, for all of the people should hear the
gospel message. We need to evangelize new areas of the region
as soon as possible. You can see on the
map of the Vitebsk region, that we now have only 16 SDA
churches in 10 districts.
There must be an immediate thrust to work with great effort
in raising churches within the other 11 districts. We have some
strong congregations and we decided at a regional meeting of pastors
to begin an active evangelization work of pastors with church
members in new areas of the region. Below are listed the churches
chosen to work in the different regions:
Congregation Vitebsk 1 will work in Liosno district,
Vitebsk 2 will work in Sennno district,
Vitebsk 3 will work in Shumilino district,
Orsha will work in Dubrovno district,
Polotsk will work in Ushach'e district,
Novopolotsk will work in Rossoni district,
Tolochin and Zaslonovo will work in town Kohanovo to open new
churches there in near time.
Estimated future expenses for this project
We know from experience that people in Belarus are more
open for the gospel in the months of October to April, when they
are free from farming work. We have planned a major effort in
those months from October through April. It will be the regular
work of the pastor to head two missionary trips every month, along
with a large group of active church members. We will carry a missionary
library consisting of Adventist books, free literature and booklets,
conduct concerts and evangelistic meetings. The plan is to have
a total of 14 trips during the time period previously mentioned.
To achieve maximum results, our estimated expenses
will be:
1. Trip expenses (gasoline or tickets) 200 km approximately
round trip 14 times a year will cost US $10 per trip for
a total $140 US currency.
2. Distribution of Free Literature and missionary libraries
14 times a year will cost US $10 per trip for a total $140
US currency.
3. Renting a home or a hall for evangelization meetings,
concerts or healthy lifestyle seminars 14 times a year will cost
US $10 per trip for a total $140 US currency.
4. Advertisement for evangelization meetings and seminars
14 times a year will cost US $5 per trip for a total $70
US currency.
So all the evangelistic efforts to raise new churches and
save souls for God's kingdom in the new district of the Vitebsk
area will cost an estimated US $490.
Here is an opportunity for you to help in the saving of souls
as God has prospered you. In a poorer country like Belarus, God
can do much with little. Just as Jesus fed multitudes with so
little, so your financial help will go a long way to save many
souls. One day in heaven, a saved brother or sister from Belarus
may personally thank you because you cared enough to share.
If you have any questions, or you want to know more detailed information
on how you can help raise up new churches you can write us by
email adventist@tut.by
. If you decide to have a part in soul winning in Belarus, we
will gladly send you monthly reports and updates regarding any
area program you have chosen for using the funds God has impressed
you to send.
Missionary work on fields far from our churches.
There are many districts in the Vitebsk region, which geographically
are far away from our big churches. In distance about 250 kilometers
(155 miles). Because of the distances, the work inside these areas
is a hardship for us. Extremely high transportation expenses limit
us to trips about once a month.
These districts are next: Braslav Docshitsi Sharkovshina Glubokoye
Postavi Verhnedvinsk
Because of these difficulties, we have recognized that
it will be necessary to rent a place to live for a certain period
of time that we can send a missionary team of active church members.
These people will begin the work in these districts by literature
evangelization, Bible studies, missionary libraries, healthy lifestyle
seminars, communicating with all sorts of people and preaching
the three angel's messages. The youth in our churches today and
the active members have the capability to lead this work in the
far areas within a time of just 3 months.
We are ready to organize and prepare these teams in such
a way, that they could lead out in missionary work, searching
for those people interested in Bible studies, and at the end a
3 month term, we will have a sufficient group of believers to
establish a new home church. After the first team completes their
work, the Belarus Conference could send a follow up missionary
team who will work with and develop this group or home church
until it reaches the level of a normal congregation.
Expenses of this project:
1. Renting a flat or home is $50 US currency a month.
The three month total US $150.
2. Expenses on transportation (gasoline, tickets) US
$20 a month, three month US $60.
3. Literature for free distribution and missionary libraries
US $50 a month, three month will be US $150.
4. Food expense, and necessary items for 1 person would
be a minimum is US $30 a month, and for three months will
be US $90.
We know that this project is very expensive, so we plan
to send groups of only 2-4 people, and the total expenses on raising
a new church in areas where there aren't any SDA churches now,
will be:
For team of 2 people: US $540, 3 people: $630,
4 people: $720.
If you have any questions, need more details or other information,
or if you are ready to help open new churches in Belarus, you
can write us by email adventist@tut.by
Maybe your Church, or Sabbath School class or friends would
like to become partners in soul winning and raising new churches
in out part of the world. We would welcome any financial help
that God impresses you to give. Expenses are high, but the value
of a single soul is priceless. You can help to open a new church
in a region where nobody has ever heard the Adventist or even
the gospel message! We will happy to send you monthly reports
with pictures regarding any program in the area you choose to
have your funds used
Projects which helps to grow existing churches.
Between 16 congregations of Vitebsk region only 8 churches
has level of condition, when its can lead by itself strong missionary
work. Of course for this work will be effective, Churches needs
acoustic systems and portable music pianos.
Other 8 small churches has much weak base, and they have
difficulties to collect enough resources to repair church sanctuaries,
to buy chairs for worship halls, books for missionary libraries
and free giving to people in towns where these churches are.
You can choose any of our Churches and become Sister Church
for it, praying about it members and helping them. More detailed
information about needs of every congregation you can find on
pages of our churches
Literature evangelism.
We know that historically our movement was born with great
help of publications of present truth, so we give big attention
to spread Three angel's messge through different adventist books
and tracts. The literature can preach in places what we can't
reach personally and it can come in every home.
So we
have in our dreams to make gift of Conflict of Ages book series
to at least one public library in every of 21 districts of Vitebsk
Expenses of this project:
Every set of Conflict of Ages book series cost 18$,
and so by this amount you could donate 6 perfect books preaching
SDA message to one of our districts. Complect of book sets for
the region will cost 378 $. But of course we have much
more libraries in our region than 21.
We have also project of distributing of book Steps to
Christ to as much more homes as we can. The cost of each book
is about 0,4 $, but if we will order plenty of books, the
cost will be lower.
Charity - missionary work.
With all work we said above, we want to show that SDA Church
is the organization which have many social, humanitarian and spiritual
program for the society around. The problem of work in Belarus
is that it is very closed country with institutions, army, schools
which have closed doors for Gospel from protestant churches. Only
Orthodox Church can work within. So charity work always is first
step to open these doors and to preach in different institutions,
so because of it charity work is very significant for the work
of church and for society status of SDA Church here.
Knowing need of not only missionary direction of our work,
but and social direction of ministry of Church, in places where
we have good relations with leaders of organizations and institutions,
we lead charity work by our possibilities.
On this moment we are working helping deaf people in Vitebsk
and Polotsk (both churches has group of deaf on worships with
sign translation). In these cities we have good contact with children
orphanages - we usually help them by Christmas gifts, supplying
food, garments and toys. In Vitebsk one of our members is a President
of society of parents with ill children, and we help them when
we can. There also we work in 2 youth prisons and all places where
we can help. We developing this direction of ministry now in all
towns where we have churches.
We are giving you this information for you could see in
which base directions is developing our charity work. And if Lord
is touching your heart for help in any way, or you know any charity
organization with which we could co-work in ministry to deaf,
orphans, children with illness, or inmates please write us an
Missionary work with children.
We understand well that the church which don't work with
children don't have future life. Very significant is to teach
people God's truth from the very first ages. We have two directions
in missionary work for kids today: First, we registered organization
"Kind Heart" in Government of Belarus, which has licensee to work
with youth and kids, and in schools, education organizations,
colleges and orphanages we lead work against smoking, alcohol
and drug addictions with spiritual part inside.
Now our members very effectively spreading message about
healthy lifestyle and happiness of moral lifestyle. Second, we
begun big program of Sunday Schools - when Sunday morning we have
children's lessons in our sanctuaries. Now this program is in
cities of Vitebsk, Orsha, Polotsk and Lepel and we plan in near
future to have Sunday School in every our prayer house. At summer
we usually make summer camp meeting for children.
The biggest needs which we have in this area of ministry
is any equipment for work with kids - any methodics, supplies,
creative toys (especially felt pictures), any audio and video
equipments, and materials. And of course if your church or you
have useful methodics of children ministry, which are successful
and effective in your congregations or ministries, we very need
for you show it to us. If you are interested in this kind of work,
or you have any questions, please write us on email adventist@tut.by